
Jukola is comeing up... here Elena Roos on first leg in 2013

Kuopio-Jukola 2014

Media information

It is not possible to enter Kuopio-Jukola any more. The number of participants is 16274. There are 1230 teams taking part in the Venla Relay and 1622 in the Jukola Relay. There are teams from 20 countries, and individual orienteerers from even many more countries.

The event has become more and more popular among Finnish orienteerers.This is the first time when there are more than a thousand Finnish Venla teams (1015). In the Jukola Relay there are 1309 Finnish teams.
Kuopio-Jukola is the third biggest Jukola event in the 66-year hisrory of the relay. There were 16667 participants in Valio-Jukola in 2012 and 16308 in Jämsä-Jukola in 2013.

Jouko Kaihua, the Competition Manager of Kuopio-Jukola, says that the goal of the organizers is to create a memorable event for orienteerers. We offer an enchanting, absolutely fabulous experiece in Vehmersalmi, Kuopio on June 14 - 15, 2014.