26.-29. September avholdes den avsluttende avdeling av verdenscuppen i Kuopio, Finland. Denne er en viktig begivenhet for landslagsløperne ettersom det blir en forsmak på WOC 2025, som skal gå i nettopp dette område til neste sommer. I denne opptakt har vi talt med nogle av de HSK-løpere som skal deltage.
Terrenget er ganske kupert og tungt - og den tekniske utfordringer minner i stor grad om det vi møter i Halden.
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Torsdag d. 26. September: Langdistanse (Følg på NRK fra kl. 11.30)
Lørdag d. 28. September: Mellemdistanse (Følg på NRK fra 11.30)
Søndag d. 29. September: Stafett (Følg på NRK fra 9.50)
Halden SK har 12 løpere som skal deltage:
Aaro Aho (Finland)  Ines Berger (Svejts)
Alina Niggli (Svejts) Jo Shepherd (Storbrittania)
Alvaro Casado (Spania) Julien Vuitton (Frankrike)
Ana Toledo (Spania) Martin Roudny (Tjekkia)
Csaba Gerber (Hungary) Magne Dæhli (Norge)
Guilhem Elias (Frankrike) Megan Carter-Davies (Storbrittania
Herfra en sterk oppfølgning til at følge med på løpene og heie på våre løpere!
Samtidig med at man følger med på Andreas, Sigrid, Mina og Minna på JEC i Østerrike. Link: https://www.oefol.at/jec2024/

Herunder følger ett par oppdateringer og status fra nogle av løperne våre:

Aaro Aho
I’m really looking forward to my first home world cup and want to perform well this week. Terrain here really suits me and I want to be running for my best international results, being close to top 10 on individual races. And then of course to run well with the team in relay!

It will be pretty rough terrain with tough runnability. It’s much about finding smooth straight-forward routes in forest and being careful with compass all the time, especially on those diffuse areas. It will be a real fight in a cold finnish autumn!

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Megan Carter-Davies
Training has been good, I enjoyed taking some down time after the World Champs, and I’ve been doing more hill running and forest orienteering races recently.
This World Cup will be my first dip into the Kuopio terrain. I have missed some of the World Cup this year so I am not chasing any overall result, but will do my best in these upcoming races and hope to get some good experience from it!
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Ana Toledo og Alvaro Casado
Our first month in Halden has been great so far, finding new loops and places for training, while exploring the trails in Høiasmarka have been a wonderful month.
Being able to share sessions with people of the club, each one at their own level, but everyone pushing and working towards theirs owns dreams, it is spiring us to
try and give our best, even though, we have change our life moving to Halden, and still somethings are unusual to us. A month is not so much to feel a big difference in training, and big changes required time to get used to them and adapt properly. 

Doing orienteering in such a nice maps, with quality trainings near home, with people to look at, for improve our technique, is the best environment we could wish. We have felt a small improvement in our confident in the Nordic terrain during this weeks, but we are far from feeling like in Spain, it will need time but we have a whole year and plenty of session to work on it. Really looking forward to find a good balance between the forest and training. We will try to enjoy as much as possible the process.

Doing clean races is the main task for this week, we aren’t strong enough to feel competitive in the terrain, but we can learn as much as possible from this experience to have a clear route to work during the winter and reach next year WOC in the best form possible.

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Guilhem Elias
I’m running the long distance and the relay at the World Cup in Kuopio.

My goals are not about rankings it is more about being happy with my own orienteering, and to fight until the end.

This will be a really nice training for the next year WOC. It’s an occasion to have an overview of what we will expect!

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