Camp Norway Denmark

Camp Norway Denmark
Kategori: Klubb

This weekend a group of Halden runners, mostly youthful and those of us clinging onto youth, travelled to Denmark to take part in Camp Norway. This involved a day of training on Friday, including taking on the worlds best juniors of 2010 on the JWOC middle distance course, some sprint training and a night race round the sand dunes and forest of Blockhus.

Nordjysk 2-dages Håkon Anders

Friday also featured a talk by multiple medalists Maja Alm and Ida Bobach (pdf-file with their presentation). This focused on orienteering in continental terrain, the different terrain types in Denmark and route choice. Run hard, make things simple for yourself, and minimise small time losses, fast and easy! 

Saturday morning started in the classroom looking again at racing in continental terrain, and how to adapt yourself if you have predominantly honed your skills in Nordic



Kategori: Klubb
Festkomiteen inviterer til årsfest på Høiås 24. januar. 
Festen starter kl. 19.00.
Maten blir laget av Ingar Berger. Gi beskjed om evt. allergier ved påmelding.
Påmelding på hjemmesiden
eller liste på Høiås.
Frist innen 20. januar. 

Pris: 350,- (250,- for studenter)

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