Join Halden SK?

High ambitions and good results

Halden SK is a club with high ambitions and a history of results we are proud of. We have 15 different world champions, of which 6 have won gold medals in individual distances. Olav Lundanes is on the top of the statistic with 6 gold medals and 10 medals in total from World Championships.

Halden SK have won Tiomila 12 times and Jukola / Venla 12 times. We have 10 medals from the Junior World Championship since 1990. In addition, we have many medalists from European Championships and over 350 medals from Norwegian Championships.

Get an overwiev of our atlets her (text in Norwegian).

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Despite high ambitions and many top runners, the club manages to take care of both children, youth and recreational athletes. This creates a unique club environment. The club hut on Høiås and the training opportunities around Høiås have a lot of credit for this. The many runners of different age and level has resulted in, among other things, 7 victories in the 25-manna relay.

Get an overwiev of our atlets her (text in Norwegian).

Unique in the world

Halden SK has extensive and broad expertise within o-technique and training, high level sports, maps and use of technology. We have hired a trainer who provides training for aspiring runners and gives you top quality of all workouts,  together with the club's other resources. We focus on both individual races and relays.

Our former coach (2012-2019) Eva Jurenikova has repeatedly stated that Halden is almost unique in the world by having so many good maps and training terrains at such a short distance from the city. Winter is also very short so far south in Norway. The conditions in Halden are perfect to become the best in the world. If you have great ambisions, you should definitely come to Halden!


What can we offer?

  • Individual follow-up, facilitation and injury prevention measures for top runners and aspiring juniors.
  • A social and inclusive top-level sports environment consisting of runners living in and outside Halden. Elite runners living in Halden make sure you can compete with the world elite in training.
  • There are a variety of courses and controls available at all times. Our head coach and other support system provide you with top quality of all trainings.
  • Good training sessions both in and outside Halden, as well as good travel arrangements for the major relays, NM and test runs.
  • Cheap rent in the rental house "Halden House", for a shorter or longer period. See more information below.
  • International training environment. Halden Skiklubb has runners from many nations and both Norwegian and foreign runners appreciate the international training environment. Information is naturally also given in English. In 2019 Halden's elite runners have represented the National Teams in 10 countries; Norway, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, France, Italy and Czech Republic.

Live, study or work in Halden?

Live in Halden

Living in Halden is cheaper than most other places in Norway. The monthly price for a single / small apartment is approx. NOK 5,500 - 8,000. In collective, the price can be as low as NOK 3,000 per month. provides a good overview of the rental market in Halden.

Halden Ski Club has its own house - "Haldenhuset" - for cheap rental for those who come from out of town and want to run for us. Rooms can be rented for a shorter or longer period. The house is near the forest and common departure point for training and competitions. The house has four bedrooms with xx beds for rent, divided into two well-equipped apartments.

If you want to study at Østfold University College, the Studentsamskipnaden i Østfold has almost 400 student apartments for rent in Halden.

Study in Halden

Østfold University College has three faculties in Halden and three faculties in Fredrikstad. In Halden there is stydies in economics, language, international communication, Information Technology, teacher education and several one-year programmes.

In Fredrikstad there is studies in health and welfare (nursing, social work, child welfare etc.), engineering education (data, machine, electrical, construction, industrial design etc.) and scenography (!).

Which study you can apply for demends, among other things, of your Norwegian and English skills. Are you studying outside Norway, there may be opportunities for exchange to Østfold University College.

An overview of all studies at Østfold University College can be found here (text in Norwegian). Study programmes in English and Exchange programmes can be found here.  

If you want to live in Halden and study elsewhere, several Norwegian and foreign colleges and universities also offer online studies.

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Work in Halden

At the (text in Norwegian) you will find an overview of vacancies in Halden. The easiest thing is to apply directly for advertised positions. Orienteers before you found a job at IFE - Institute for Energy Technology, Nexans, Fresenius Kabi, Norske SkogAF Gruppen or one of the city's many companies in Information Technology. Several of the companies have an understanding of elite sports and have facilitated part-time jobs.

If you are without a specific education and are looking for a job to finance your own semi-professional venture, there are also many small jobs, but it is not always these are advertised.

More information?

To take advantage of the great training environments in Halden Skiklubb, we recommend you stay and invest in Halden - we can help you reach your goals!

Does this sound tempting, visit us to test the environment. When you have decided to join us, you register your membership here (text in Norwegian)


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Andreas Johansson: (Head of Elite group)

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