Vi vant Jukola!



Intervju i pressesenter:


Søren: today I showed that I am capable

Jon: overall very good. I could push very hard and fokus on the orienteering

Erik: it was like a normal race, because I did not see the others

Marius: I think I did a good race. Delta was very fast

Mats: .. hyvve ... (dette ble på finsk)

Emil: Retired from the national team, but running the fun competitions and Jukola is number 1

Olav: I was nervous. The cource is challenging all the way, and you never know what can happen.I hope to run the last leg in many years.

And for the people in Halden:

Mike: A such victory is aresult of agood job by many many people. It is a common victory. Spasibo!