2 weeks before the start of Norwegian championships week, organised by our club, we have added three new courses (two on Akselås and one on Guttersöd) to our training package. Akselås and Guttersröd are neighbouring areas to the embargoed area of NM long distance and middle qualification.
In total the training package consists of 16 courses now.
Most courses are planned by our head coach Eva Jurenikova, but we offer also 2 trainings planned by Øyvind Helgerud who is one of the NM course setters. The courses can also be used for training ahead of Euromeeting 2017, World Cup 2018 and WOC 2019.
Foreign runners, not members of Norwegian clubs, can still experience the terrain and courses of Norwegian championspis, as we organise spectator races on Friday, Saturday and Sunday on September 8-10th, entry should be made in eventor.
Welcome in Halden!