It is well known that Olav is not fond of running Sprint. But when it comes to the question - who is the fastest man in town - Olav takes the challenge and makes no excuses. And the results from today's EOC selection say it clear: Olav is now the fastest man in town. Emil used to be the boss - he is now number two. By the way, the same rank in the selection race - beating all the runners in the sprint group. And that the preparation in Glenneveien was good - Magne proved by getting rank 5. And the ladies? A-M and Mari were so fast that they even overrun one control ...
Beste dameløper ble dermed Iliana på plass 9, med meget oppløftende Oda på plassen bak og Lea på plass 14. Vinner i dameklassen ble Heidi Bagstevold før Kine Gulliksen. Ida Marie er ennå ikke blitt frisk og valgte derfor å stå over.
Klasse = H 21-E1 Lundanes, Olav Halden SK 12:09 20:06:09
2 Wingstedt, Emil Halden SK 12:36 +00:27 19:43:36
3 Skjeset, Lars Frol IL 12:39 +00:30 20:03:39
4 Østerbø, Øystein Kvaal IFK Lidingö SOK 12:42 +00:33 20:05:42
5 Dæhli, Magne Halden SK 12:43 +00:34 19:34:43
6 Ekeberg, Bjørn IL Tyrving 12:54 +00:45 19:59:54
Klasse = D 21-E
1 Bagstevold, Heidi Østlid Bækkelagets SK 13:33
2 Gulliksen, Kine Bækkelagets SK 13:39 +00:06
3 Wigemyr, Tone Bækkelagets SK 13:57 +00:24
4 Jahren, Silje Ekroll Sävedalens AIK 14:06 +00:33
5 Ekeberg Schjerve, Nikoline Bækkelagets SK 14:10 +00:37
5 Steiwer, Kine Hallan Lillomarka OL 14:10 +00:37
9 Shandurkova, Iliana Halden SK 14:25 +00:52
10 Wennemo, Oda Halden SK 14:32 +00:59
14 Vercellotti, Léa Halden SK 15:09 +01:36
DSQ Fasting, Mari Halden SK 13:25 +-00:08
DSQ Nordberg, Anne M Hausken Halden SK 12:26 +-01:07
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