New o-runner pair to Halden SK

MattiasogMaritWe hereby announce that Mattias Karlsson (27) return to Halden. Together with Marit Kahrs (29), they move now from Oslo to Halden and both pull on the red, blue and white HSK shirt.
Mattias who left Halden in favor of Bækkelaget front of last season, is now back in the border city and rates for full on to the next seasons.
Marit with her upbringing in Fredrikstad SK and later represented Bækkelaget several seasons, will also take a part of it now strong Cool Chicks team in Halden. She will undoubtedly strengthen our elite group and become part of our offensive relay and traininggroup.
Mattias Karlsson came to Halden as a junior runner in 2004 and had a strong development in recent years. Which resulted as a menber of the Swedish nationalteam and the World Cup participation.
Matthias will work about 50% and will combine this with the full commitment towards the next seasons. For Halden SK herrelag in the big relays, will Mattias be a strong candidate to take a place on the HSK's best teams. Mattias has shown itself as an eminent relay runner and made rarely a bad relay in HSK-shirt. We hope and believe that Mattias and the club, with increased focus and commitment to make further progress on the individual level. First and foremost to take a place in the Swedish national team and qualify for major championships again.
The couple are now working to obtain adequate housing / apartment in Halden and we look forward to your participation in our elite and club environment. Both in competitions, training environment and at Høiås.


Mattias from HSKs victory in Jukola 2010


Mattias, here together with Magne Dæhli, will give the club an extra punch on the big relays next season.