Ahead of the 2020 season, Halden SK has recruited some new runners who are representing the club this season. In this article, we will learn some more about some of them!
Alvaro Casado (20, Spain):
What made you join Halden? I want to improve as orienteer and also learn how to run in Scandinavian terrains, and there are a los of good orienteers in the club from where I can learn a lot.
What are your ambitions for 2020? Last year of JWOC so I’m so motivated to do a good result and for train for it. Also try to run university World champs and improve in Scandinavian terrains.
What is your favorite type of terrain? My favourite terrain is the flat one with depresión and rocks, I prefer the flat because it is so different to the kind of terrain that I have at home
Sprint or forest? Forest
Nylon or tights? Tights
Tiomila or jukola? Jukola
Night or day? Day
Eliska Sieglova (21, Czech Republic):
What made you join Halden? It is a very good club with some of the best orienteers in the world. Training with them is a really good opportunity to get better. And besides, Halden has the most beautiful terrains (and jerseys)!
What are your ambitions for 2020? I would like to participate in WUOC in Russia.
What is your favorite type of terrain? Some hard and tricky middle terrain.
What is your favorite workout? I like running multi-technics or corridors, but I also really enjoy fast and tricky o-intervalls.
Sprint or forest? Forest!
Nylon or tights? Tights
Tiomila or jukola? Tiomila
Night or day? Day
Martin Roudny (20, Czech Republic):
What made you join Halden? Halden is well known for its training possibilities and professional approach to runners. Also it's a top club, which fights for highest possitions at competitions.
What are your ambitions for 2020? First of all I want to stay healthy during the season and to be satisfied with my performance. I aim mainly on JWOC in Turkey, then on national championships. O-ringen will be also great fun in summer.
What is your favorite type of terrain? Overall I like fast flat terrains, where you can push hard, but Midi-Pyrénées area in France or northern part of Portugal are also very nice.
What is your favorite workout? Tempo run on asphalt
Sprint or forest? Forest
Nylon or tights? Nylon
Tiomila or jukola? Tiomila
Night or day? Day